SuitedPair Bluffer1414;315249 wrote..............and it begins lets do this dirty dance fellas unlike Baby I can sit in a corner. I'll sit here and watch you do the lift (fuck I'm old)
Bluffer1414 alright gotta vent a little. This is been a bullshit start the the scoop's and it is beginning to become frustrating. I kno i cant get frustrated because it will affect my play on the tables so thats why im typing here lol. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKK!!!!! Okay im good to go, bring on some more scoops, gl to everyone lets make some fuckin money!
Bluffer1414 Can everyone send me there screen name from stars so i can send out the money I owe you. Thanks
Milo Antman013 on Stars. Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug. Would BAP again. Just post the offer.
Bluffer1414 Okay thanks a lot guys, sorry I was not able to be more successful it was a very frustrating scoop to say the least. I just have to wait for my last deposit to clear then I will be sending the funds out. Thanks again!