[deleted] Here it is: Sunday, May 6th 11:00 ET (2-Day Event)- 0$ SCOOP-01-L: $27 NL Hold'em (6-Max) -0$ 14:30 ET (2-Day Event) SCOOP-02-L: $27 NL Hold'em - refund ($27) ---? ended up playing 27$ super KO to make up for this Monday, May 7th 11:00 ET (2-Day Event) SCOOP-03-L: $5.50 NL Hold'em (6-Max, Action Hour, Rebuys)- 0$ 17:00 ET (2-Day Event) SCOOP-08-L: $11 NL Hold'em - 0$ SCOOP-08-M: $109 NL Hold'em - 0$ Wednesday, May 9th 11:00 ET SCOOP-09-L: $27 NL Hold'em (SuperKnockout) -0$ 14:00 ET (2-Day Event) SCOOP-13-L: $27 NL Hold'em- 0$ Friday, May 11th 17:00 ET SCOOP-16-L: $27 NL Hold'em (2x Chance, Turbo) 0$ Saturday, May 12th 11:00 ET SCOOP-17-L: $27 NL Hold'em (10-Max, Shootout) - 0$ Sunday, May 13th 11:00 ET (2-Day Event) SCOOP-20-L: $27 NL Hold'em - 0$ 14:30 ET (2-Day Event) SCOOP-21-L: $27 NL Hold'em -0$ ADDED plo/NLH free roll- 0$ 17:00 ET (2-Day Event) SCOOP-27-L: $11 NL Hold'em- 0$ SCOOP-27-M $109 NL Hold'em- REFUND MINUS (27 scoop, big 22, storm, big 11, 11$ mtt ) 27$ Thursday, May 17th 11:00 ET SCOOP-31-L: $27 8-Game -0$ Sunday, May 20th 14:30 ET (2-Day Event) SCOOP-40-L: $109 Main Event - L -0$ TOTAL BUYINS- $617.50 x 1.06 = $654.55 2%- 13.09 5%- 32.73 10% - 65.45 25%- $163.64 Selling up to 55% but will play regardless ship to smokerock247 , no emt please for this one playing the best poker of my life, a ship this week and a couple FT's and lots of FT bubbles lol, im going deep in everything im really expecting a big series tbh KWsteve 2% rec'd - 0.76 BTP 15% - 5.25 hobbes 5% - 1.90 GTA 10% - 3.80 -->shiped to hobbes eetee- 1% rec'd --> 0.38 reebs- 2% rec'd --> 0.76 t8- 5% --> 1.90 rwpkrplr- 2% rec'd --> 0.76 wolffhound- 5% rec'd --> 1.90 the mill 2% rec'd --> 0.76 actyper 6% rec'd --> 2.28 jofay 5% rec'd --> 1.90 All I cashed was 38 stinkin bucks in bounties: 1% = .38 cents :(
[deleted] also, any events i play outside of this BAP are not part of the package forgot to put that in the OP lol
[deleted] eeetee2011;311704 wrote1% pls reibs;311707 wroteTwo pts. Will ship tonite if I remember. T8urmoney;311719 wrote5% booked, ty RWPKRPLR;311722 wrote2% pls Edit: shipped rec'd, ty 17% left