getem76 By no way am I a believer yet at all...the timeout was just rough.....your down, we will kick you, put in a goal call a time out, might have well just pissed on them!....It was demoralizing...interesting coaching by pens, he will not win a adams trophy for that!
T8urmoney Brag: have 5 pens in draft Beat: first golf game of the year booked for Sunday 9 6 goes at 10 am Variance: Nashville sucks
The Prophet 22 The Prophet 22;312762 wroteNot expecting the sweep Johnny, and lose gm 5 as well but probably will win game 6. Prophet 22 Not a bad predication eh? Well here is another one. Pens win game 6 they will win this round. Prophet22 :mad:
Macke Shame I missed this. Much better bet then I made. giving a guy 100-1 odds the Canucks wouldn't make it out of the first round when they were down 3-0..