costanza;313724 wrotepiggy i think its great that you are playing mtt's (they are my game of choice too obv) but have you thought of building your roll playing sng's?
the 1$ 90 man's are super soft and what I used to build my roll. If you dont like the shove/fold+varience of turbo's there is always reg speed options as well.
just a thought.
Then again, if u like mtt's and wanna go for it then i say fucking do it lol. Play what u like to play and go for the glory of a ship lol.
gl either way :)
I think that this is great advice. I started just over a year ago with $150 deposit and quickly whittled it down to 50 bucks. Not wanting to ever deposit again I played the 1.50 90 man ko's then moved up to the 4.50 180 games.
I recently started to treat myself to bigger buy ins or bigger fields and quickly move back down to the 4.50 180's when I am running bad.
I downloaded the trial version of the Pokertracker HUD and chose not to purchase it. If I was playing more than 2 tables at a time then I would probably have purchased it. The biggest thing that I miss is being able to see mucked cards after a showdown.
I received my first cheque from Pokerstars last week, while it was not huge I was thrilled to get paid for having fun.