betrthanphil actyper;311481 wroteUpping mine to 2% If you want I can collect the emts and send you via stars This would be awesome!!!
Milo Okay, so I will ship via EMT to actyper so he can transfer on Stars. Will be done by the end of the week.
Hobbes actyper;312087 wroteSure what u need? Was going to ship for btp bap on moneybookers as I am nearing my xfer limits
actyper Yeah no prob if u want to ship me mb and I'll ship yours to btp on stars. I think that's what ur asking. Same email
Hobbes actyper;312210 wroteYeah no prob if u want to ship me mb and I'll ship yours to btp on stars. I think that's what ur asking. Same email yup. thx ac
actyper Just to keep track what I owe Ash-2% ($420) hobbes- 1.5% ($315) (will ship me mb) jon- 1% ($210) milo- 0.5% ($105) $1050
betrthanphil actyper;312482 wroteJust to keep track what I owe Ash-2% ($420) hobbes- 1.5% ($315) (will ship me mb) jon- 1% ($210) milo- 0.5% ($105) $1050 awesome, thx again ash for your help