Well, I figure it's time for me to actually lay out some goals for myself to keep me motivated and to establish a plan, and to stick with it.
I'm moving up to mid stake mtt's (33$-11$) and have some pretty high hopes, but I'm hoping these goals are attainable
1) profit 30K+ for the year aside from my job (nice little side income)
2) play as much live as I can (mtt's)
3) Achieve supernova (im on somewhat of a good pace from playing such low buyin's with about 35K hands of cash, so with me moving up so should my VPP rate)
4) Run really well and final table in a SCOOP or WCOOP
5) Get my cash game together (I really really enjoy zoom)
These goals might seem a bit high to some, but I shoot for the stars lol, im a very competitive person, and poker is what I love doing most in this world.
Ill update periodically and might include a blog if there's enough interest.