Hobbes If I can get my shit together this morning, I am planning on playing this today on RPM (K3ys3rS0z3). These are all deepstack unless specified. If I am running deep in a tourney I may not register for some. Any unused buyins go back to the BR. 12:30 $11 13:00 4.5k gtd $11 13:30 5k gtd $22 13:30 Sunday Storm $11 15:00 DS Turbo 1.5k gtd $11 15:00 DS Turbo 1.5k gtd $11 *There are 2 in the lobby 15:30 7.5k gtd $22 16:00 Sunday 20k $11 17:00 Satty to the Nightly $109 $11 18:00 17.5k gtd $22 19:00 DS Turbo 7.5k gtd $11 19:00 KO $16 19:30 5.5k gtd $22 20:00 $3250 gtd $11 Total $203 1% = $2 Selling 40% - max 10% / investor Ship on PS to Hobbes614 or RPM K3ys3rS0z3 Do not ship till I know for sure, but I will trust you to ship if you invest. Will probably run a team viewer session if you care to watch (and laugh) :) rungood squad Milo 10% - PD JohnnieH 10% - PD trigs 5% - PD The Mill 3% - PD Suited Pair - 10% - PD eeteee - 2% - PD compuease - 3% - PD wildbill - 4% - PD Wildbill - 1% free karama share Sold out
Hobbes Milo;311005 wroteWhat the hell, 10% . . . where's your Messiah now? There's no Messiah.....there's a mess alright, but no Messiah. af9EHtQMMc4
SuitedPair 10% shippage in a sec shipped, now go go go! between getting space in this BAP to the T8yourmoney one it's just like easter sunday for degens!
Milo Hobbes;311007 wroteThere's no Messiah.....there's a mess alright, but no Messiah. Mark might disagree . . . Triple H's Epic King of Kings Entrance at WrestleMania 22 - YouTube
Milo Shipped . . . the Italian BMT's are very nice with sweet onion dressing. Wouldn't want Johnnie to stress too much, would we?
trigs Milo;311026 wroteShipped . . . the Italian BMT's are very nice with sweet onion dressing. Wouldn't want Johnnie to stress too much, would we? +1
Hobbes wildbill7145;311031 wroteI assume there's nothing left? Dammit? 1% for wildbill for Karma. No charge
wildbill7145 Hobbes;311034 wrote1% for wildbill for Karma. No charge You're an as...., er, I mean sweetheart. Thanks man. I actually managed to sleep in for the first time in months. If I'd seen this earlier I would have taken 10%. Dial it up and rungood Sir.
eeetee2011 Hobbes you have me down for 5% in op i only took 2% just wanted to make sure it was right in case other people wanted in