costanza;310792 wroteI think my sizing on the river was so weak (like 1/4 pot) he thought he could get me off a hand like Ax here
this is kinda out leveling yourself. Whether hes a good player or bad, no one tries win a tourney by getting a random to fold trip aces.
costanza;310792 wroteI tried to make it so that even if he had Ax and had me out kicked, id lose min, but also tried to make my sizing look nut-ish with a boat or the flush
nutted you would very likely bet bigger, unless you were trying to look weak and get raised and thats prob not a good plan if you actually had a hand either (more out leveling).
costanza;310792 wrotewhen he re raised the river I thought of hands that he could so this with, and decided he's trying to blow me off the hand, at least that is my donkey read.
if your gonna bet as a blocking bet, you generally
have to fold to a raise.....maybe if its min you can call, but really if you want to see the river cheap as possible, either check/call, or donk/fold.....donk calling is just charging
yourself more
costanza;310792 wrotereally tough spot for me
This happened because of preflop I think. Flatting ATs 25 ish bbs in the sb 3 way vs an ep raiser is maybe ok in some spot but prob only if you can get away from times when you hit an ace (or two).
I'm not good enough to say for sure but I can say for sure that traditionally, your biggest leak is flatting and 3betting out of the blinds.
Pull out stove and put villain on a range...not a hand....and see how much equity you have each street. Don't put a person on a bluff, put them on a range and then add a % for bluffing, then compare it with pot odds. Thats only kinda relevant but putting person on a bluff and calling is ignoring most of his range.
You won't know if you are calling correctly anymore than seeing your aces get cracked helps you know if your aces hold 80% of the time.