jontm Hobbes;321730 wroteFor this you are owed. Were you in the Deepstack one too? Are you taking care of that one as well?
compuease Please just ship whatever you and GTA say I'm owed on Stars I guess.. thx.. I have no idea how you keep all this straight..:)
Hobbes compuease;321750 wrotePlease just ship whatever you and GTA say I'm owed on Stars I guess.. thx.. I have no idea how you keep all this straight..:) Google docs ftw shipped on P*
trigs Hobbes;321882 wroteShipped got it. thanks. sorry for not responding sooner. finally got friggin' internet in my new place.
Hobbes pokerJAH;322452 wroteDon't see the funds yet? Shipped $53 on Jun 30 9:43am to pokerjah56 Transaction # 742858674
JimmyHo Hobbes;322457 wroteShipped $53 on Jun 30 9:43am to pokerjah56 Transaction # 742858674 That was for the GTA in Vegas BAP. I am owed $53 (Vegas) + $52.25 (Bear SnG) = $105.25. Did not receive a transfer of $52.25. Please confirm.
Hobbes pokerJAH;322463 wroteThat was for the GTA in Vegas BAP. I am owed $53 (Vegas) + $52.25 (Bear SnG) = $105.25. Did not receive a transfer of $52.25. Please confirm. The $53 was for the Carbon BAP according to my spreadsheet. I still need to review the numbers from the Vegas BAP as I just received the EMT this morning.
GTA Poker note to self -- never play for any decent stakes on Carbon if I want to get money out within the year