[deleted] brag: sat with milo Beat: he oly stayed a couple orbits which was cool because i could only play a bit varience: jules sat in as well beat/brag: i snapped jules with J high and he had the nuts varience: it was level 86 metagame
Cerberus costanza;312880 wrotehu4rollz? :D Brag: Gonna play costanza HU4Rollz Beat: He already won before I turned on Stars as I have $0 Variance: Still taking my loss better than Philli would have
GTA Poker DrTyore;312881 wroteAlright guys... You all got your shots in. Let it die. Mark take some blues it will never die
[deleted] Cerberus;312895 wroteBrag: Gonna play costanza HU4Rollz Beat: He already won before I turned on Stars as I have $0 Variance: Still taking my loss better than Philli would have lol cerb ill play u HU with play money, just for the bragging rights :D
Cerberus costanza;312899 wrotelol cerb ill play u HU with play money, just for the bragging rights :D Sadly, there wouldn't be much for bragging rights. Even the Leafs, Habs, Cavs and Wizards can beat me. Just kidding. Who would lose to the Leafs?!
compuease Wetts1012;312985 wroteThread will never die. It will be the new graph thread. Wetts1012;312986 wrote Wetts1012;312987 wrote You really are bored aren't you... Shouldn't you be organizing another BAP? In for 2%....
compuease philliivey;312755 wroteI am going on a holiday bud, 2 weeks to go! Woot! I would not be against doing a trip report for you guys as I know alot of people like trip reports on here. :) Don't forget the trip report.... We would love to hear about it... All the details plzz..
GTA Poker compuease;314150 wroteDon't forget the trip report.... We would love to hear about it... All the details plzz.. Popscornz GIF