Well what have we learned in this thread?
Let's see,,,
Wolffhound;310318 wroteSharkscope seems to work. Have high hopes that this stays straight.
Wolffy has high hopes.
GTA Poker;312097 wroteI think you took the red pill instead of the blue one today...
GTA Poker;312423 wroteD) take some blue pills you are doing it wrong
GTA Poker;312695 wroteMaybe too many blue pills now
GTA prescribes pills.. and then overdoses the patient. Perhaps a violation of his veterinary oath?
trigs;312107 wroteam i the only one who is lost here?
Trigs gets lost quite a bit..
philliivey;312125 wroteI am lost too, don't know why wollfhound is going on a rant still, I am not causing any drama,
philliivey;312127 wroteI like to avoid unnecessary drama,
betrthanphil;312089 wrotelikes to cause unnecessary drama
Wolffy rants quite a bit (according to Philli) but Philli doesn't cause drama (according to Philli)..
GTA Poker;310257 wroteInterested...graphs?
GTA Poker;310284 wrotegraphs?
GTA Poker;312097 wrote...also, graphs?
GTA Poker;312423 wrotea) graphs?
GTA Poker;312770 wroteI don't mean to be insensitive,
is this a bad time
to ask for graphs?
GTA is obsessed with graphs.
Hobbes;310293 wroteAhhh Photoshop. :D
Hobbes has to translate for GTA.
TheMill;312114 wrote+1. WTF is going on? Can a get a translator plz?
GTA Poker;312122 wrotedarb?
darb is named "official" forum translator. God help us all...
trigs;312153 wrotei formally nominate GTA for "PFC Shit Disturber of the Year".do i hear a second?
philliivey;312154 wroteHAHA yes!
GTA nominated and 2nd'ed as "PFC Shit Disturber of the Year".. Is this an official title like Hobbes's?
philliivey;312171 wrote
Btp, you have no clue what is going on
BTP has no clue.... Wonder how someone does so well at poker with no clue... hmmm. must be variance..
philliivey;312172 wroteNo you were up all night drinking.
Wolfhound, your a class act piece of shit scumbag jerk off,
Wolffy was up all night drinking... So what else is new.. lol, love ya bud!:)
And wolffy has a title, another official PFC one?
wildbill7145;312177 wroteWill you be ruining another bap in the future?
Bill has spelling issues...
Wetts1012;312709 wroteAlso, I can confirm Wolffhound is an asshole.
Wetts gets confused over "official" forum titles.
piggypie123;312768 wrotephilliivey;312738 wrotegood example is GTA poker who others have posted that they are tired of his stupid posts.
GTA makes stupid posts... according to piggy (who can't quote correctly)... irony?