pokerJAH;310433 wrote
As a result, to be fair to supporters of US based BAPs, the ability to deduct the cost of the buyin to recover 30% of the initial buyin should be factored into the pricing of the BAP. If a player already has a US cash during the year, the supporter of the BAP should not be charged the 30% that player can recover in withholding from the amount of the buyin. If a player wants to use a markup of 1.2 on a $1,000 to effectively earn $200 to cover their variance, the BAP should therefore be applied at a rate of 0.9 ($1,200 - $300) versus the 1.2 to account for the recovery of the withholding tax.
So you are saying that anyone who is playing in the US has a huge chance of cashing? This logic is totally flawed. The assumption of this 30% withholding as an "automatic" win for the player playing is a very poor argument.
One can easily play 10 tournies and not cash in any.
At the end of the day I think most people that take part in BAPs, myself included do it because we truly enjoy sweating others and it gives me a shot at the poker lottery.
After reading this post and your other threads regarding staking and BAP Funds it truly looks like you are trying to make a second income out of this or try to maximize some magic formula to gain the maximum out of this section. I don't think that is the right attitude to have here.