Please Fix the Lag Stars - MTT Community - Multi Table Tournament Poker Community
cliffs: pokerstars denies the lag issue is on their end, time after time, week after week
players prove its an issue with stars and not their own fault
stars suggests is just a small issue
players explain only regs use 2+2 forums.
stars checks on their software and servers while denying any issue exists
stars explains to computer science majors how the Internet works
people take time out of their day to post they aren't experiencing lag ???
LIL Big Kahuna threatens to go viral.
stars takes out auto payouts, players still lag (one player is ok)
If i had to guess I'd say the PR spokesperson for stars isn't being told the real issue and simply is being requested to say things that string the players along....definitely something going on...???
also i think these should be posted in that thread: