Getting an itch to play one of the GBG's $220 monthly tournaments. See there's one scheduled for April 11. Just curious to know how many others are thinking about playing? I know SteveK goes often, and the structure looks pretty decent, thought I would give it shot.
Anyone else going? Maybe carpool? Let me know
Might be sold out. Buy quick if it's not. Not playing myself
Structure is good
I won't be playing though.
Dead Money is right, it will sell out fast, so get your seat early.
Their website say 81 seats remaining right now, but I know they will go fast in the coming weeks
Website has said 81 available for 3 days - and I know of 4 for sure that were sold since I first saw it at 81 - better get your seat 2 weeks ahead for the $220 tournaments.
Issue with the credit card last night...they're expediting me a new one. Hope to be able to get it this week so I can register.
have played some of their tournaments in the past. They are run well and decent strucuture. Will likely play the bigger tournaments in June. Rocky at YRPL has mentioned he plans to run a satellite likely to the $500 and $1k tournaments.
I'm going to drop by tonight and register, I'll report back tomorrow as to how many seats left since they havent updated their website in a while
Just ordered my ticket online, doesn't say how many seats are left though. But I'm now set to go to play on April 11
Hobbes, Johnnie, and Wes, please forward your BAP $22 each to my P* account.
Thanks guys. Good luck me!
Shipped $22 for Wes
57 sold live, not sure about online, my guess is under 30 seats left
Their website has been updated stating 63 seats left
Johnnie, Wes, and Ron...all monies received. Glad you could get the error corrected Johnnie, its happened before with Wetts.
Rob, see you there. If I'm there in time, we'll do a rungood breakfast!
Sold out as of April 5 - I'm going - have to rack up more KoC points ... in second now ... I wish I knew who you all were ... LOL
Floydthedog;310669 wroteSold out as of April 5 - I'm going - have to rack up more KoC points ... in second now ... I wish I knew who you all were ... LOL
I'll be the good looking young guy with all the chips at the end of the tournament ;)
I just moved to Bradford so I will be making more visits to rama and port perry area. Just settled this week.
I will try to make it for next one.
First break sitting with 10k blinds 100/200 lost a big pot with pockets 10s to a river flush or I'd be at almost 25k. About 75 left. Top 10 get paid
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Second break with 10bb after trip kings get crushed by runner runner again. About 35 left
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Time for some #rungood
Grind it back