jdAA88;309210 wroteamazing first reply, thanks alot forb! if you could email me any good hand histories of the 180s and 180 3rs it would be greatly appreciated (
I had a breakeven/winning reg ask for a hh from me once....afterwards he said 'meh' im pretty much doing everything you are. But its not possible for him to see the differences because otherwise he would be winning more. Also hes not able to see my adjustments and reads.
But I'll send one that Im aggro in start to finish....its about the cards and spots not my mood.
I learned from a great Awice post that although Nash say to shove wide in icm spots, it also assumes tight callers, if the players to act are not tight then nash wants you to shove a lot tighter....I'm playing money spots upside down from how I used to now....
Although wetts and someone else found hitthepandas style awkward, I found his the most helpful, other than Bfizz11 (v and btp)
Sometimes I'll have a table with 2 very good regs 3 other winning regs and me. Sometimes I'll have 7 marked fish. Its important to know the table and adjust....shoving wider on fish, and calling loose vs regs.....the more winning the looser you can call
Lots to be made from limpers. If someone limps ill extend my range by a few %. If they do it again ill shove 14ish bbs w/antes all suited aces, pairs, suited broadway. If they do it again all aces, all BW, k7sish and up, some sc's. It's important to shove hands like T9s and JTs on limpers rather than fold those hands. Having Ace blockers and King blockers is good because if they call your usually ahead.
If someone limp calls AA then there preflop raising range is capped.
If you aren't getting it in bad vs limpers or vs regs then you aren't extending your value ranges enough. Maybe? ???
if someone limps bvb 10bbish in sb then shove atc, if they have a monster note them, if they fold note them. If your in the sb with qq vs a reg youve never played limp and he will insta jam. but don't do it again.
if i have 43o in the sb and the bb is tight and especially if its late I will limp pre and cbet any flop rather than shove my stack
only 1 player adjusts fully to me and I gave him his own color (hes not known), and I raise called 30bbs on the ft bubble with kqo vs him and he had k7....but i fold ak for 35bbs at the ft
the better the reg the more tables and the less he adjusts or care to or needs to.
if your unsure you can search a player, if hes on 20 tables hes wider if hes hidden he might be wider, if hes on 2 tables hes likely tightish
With no antes nash assume tightish calling ranges that sometimes aren't realistic, so you shouldn't shove too wide mp and ep, but if your suited its not so bad
Sooted mistakes are 4 combos, offsuit mistakes are 16ish <<< again this is jodabux
******* clubs have special powers
4:20 tho
you can be wider right on the break, some antes are a higher % of the blinds at certain levels. when the table is full there are more antes on the table so you can shove very slightly wider, its not as lucrative 3 handed......but some argue you hit the blinds more
i fold aks and jj first level when people 4bet or shove 75 bbs, some call...some winning players (although mostly pre black friday) shove aq first level. some teach and play by open limping early game like i hate rivers and players open limping ajs early game. I don't recommend but they do it.
phishman420 went off on me for snapping him with a6s in the sbish vs his bu or cu on the ft bubble and he had k9s and he was isoing and my note on him was he iso's light late.
Fanov (i think) berated me for shoving light on the but when he was in the bb and called me with AQs. there is money in that sentence.
When regs call me with AA i say good call and they think "yes it is a good call"
You make money when you 3bet bluff with 9Ts in the correct spot and you get snap called vs KK
The pros here will argue me but I think we make our money from the bottom of our +ev shove range not the top. We dont make any money from shoving AA we make it from shoving 87s (especially clubs)
Its possible for shoving too wide to be better than shoving too tight
Alicia Silverstone chews her kids food and then feeds it to him from her mouth to his mouth like a bird