Hello guys, as you might know I just joined today and I need some help. I deposited $20 on PokerStars, now I just need some input on what Sit and Go's to grind so I can build my bankroll fast.
Thanks in advance for the help.
i started the year grinding 50 cent sng's when I "started over" and totally started over with ABC poker and learned maths
i moved up pretty quick lol
20 bucks doesn't give you much leeway.
If I were you I would try the 25cent 90man or the $1 45man.
Alright thanks guys I try it out.
$20 is not going to take you very far. Even really good players can go on 20 or 30 buy in downswings. I would suggest, staying at the micro buyin level, .50 or .25 SNGs, but as you can, deposit another $20 at a time, until you get up to $100 or so.
But stay at the low limits until you have at least 50 buyins for the next level.
play a $15 hyper HU.....GOOOO FOR IT!
I like the 50 cent 45 five man turbos. 40 buyins is pretty much the best you can hope for. Unless you have the patience to grind up a roll with the 10 cent 360 players. I don't!
Once you make a bit of profit you could try out the scheduled 50 cent or 1$ tourneys. If you do well in one of those, you can build up a bankroll mighty fast.