Young Grimm
Over March Break I played about 3 hours of $1-2 NLHE here. Wednesday nights they run an "almost free" tourney with a $40+5 buy-in. They had 57 entrants and were down to the final table when I arrived. The cash game action was limited-a short table of $2-4 LHE and two tables of $1-2 NL max $300. I was placed at a table where the average stack was probably about $200, so I bought in for $200. The first dealer was brutal! Couldn't follow the button or the action for re-raises, I was contemplating a table change after about 3 hands but then I noticed a new dealer coming in so I stuck around. I was card dead for about the first hour but then slowly was able to grind to a $110 profit. A few really bad players (one kid bought in for $150 and folded every big blind-even the unraised ones). He raised once in the entire time he was there, we all folded and he showed AA and grumbled. Another old guy kept his cards covered with his hands all the time. This led to countless out of turn actions by many players (including me a couple of times) and the dealers never ever said anything. One guy got AK seven or eight times while I was there and won every single time. He was up against AA and flopped 10-J-Q, he was up against KK and rivered an A, he was up against a made 2 pr and the board counterfeited the other player, he was up against A10 when the 10 flopped and rivered a K...couldn't lose...he cashed out over a grand (had about $300 when I got there) in the three hours I was there, most of it from these AK hands. One hand was interesting. A new guy had sat down but was clearly buddies with the two guys at the end of the table (AK guy and friend). He buys in for $200 and first hand raises to $25, buddy calls and AK guy pops it to $75. Both players call. Flop comes 9 high, rainbow and new guy shoves, friend folds and AK calls and flips over...AK and rivers a K. So the new guy reloads for another $200. So the next hand I am in the SB with AJh. There are 7 of us to the flop (no raise was shaking these guys). Flop come A 10 8 rainbow. I bet out for $10 and the new guy calls. Turn is another low card, maybe a 4 or something. I bet out $18 and new guy calls. River is another low card. I bet out $25 and the new guy shoves all in. I would have been left with about $15 if I called and lost. Your play here? Answer below in white:
As I was counting my chips he said, "He called right?" and began flipping his cards. I didn't see them and the dealer said, "no, not yet". I ended up folding and he said he had flopped top two pair (A10). Was he tilting after losing $200?