eeetee2011 lost hu in 8 shootout Poker hand played on PokerStars with a pot size of $26,694 -
eeetee2011 Break Event 18 - Busted Event 19 - Busted Event 20 - Busted Event 22 - 86k - 310/1197 ITM Event 23 - Busted Event 24 - 11k - 1254/2230
T8urmoney nice......keep er going registered for the PLO one this morning, forgot about it, it pops up in the background of another tourney....didn't realize it was there until I't play a hand
eeetee2011 and thats it couldnt win the big flip Poker hand played on PokerStars with a pot size of $230,214 - KQ<99 646th 44.54
jontm Well played! Feel really good about you spanking one if not more of these. Still ahead ofthe game by my butchered math, keep it up!
Wolffhound gg's today. Playing hungover/hammered is a generally accepted poker principle, have a good night and GL in the a.m.
eeetee2011 kwsteve;306772 wrotegg sir/madam? Inquiring minds want to know... sir lol didnt know it was a mystery lol
kwsteve eeetee2011;306774 wrotesir lol didnt know it was a mystery lol Well, you know, Mrs Button....kinda throws people off...but good if chosen on purpose.