eeetee2011 not a very good start to today Poker hand played on PokerStars with a pot size of $12,060 - right back in it
eeetee2011 first beat that actually pissed me off so far Poker hand played on PokerStars with a pot size of $11,842 -
trigs eeetee2011;306334 wrotefirst beat that actually pissed me off so far Poker hand played on PokerStars with a pot size of $11,842 - stay positive! we're all behind you!! glgl!
eeetee2011 trigs;306340 wrotestay positive! we're all behind you!! glgl! For sure getting sucked out on early just means you will run good at the end when it counts
eeetee2011 almost doubled up Poker hand played on PokerStars with a pot size of $7,600 -
eeetee2011 bust event 11 Poker hand played on PokerStars with a pot size of $14,218 - got it back to 10bb but shoved 22 and A9 couldnt fold after someone called in front for 80% of chips hit 9 on turn