djgolfcan;305931 wroteIt certainly polarizes your hand.
I've seen this thrown around a lot in strat threads here, and I think it's being used a bit too loosely... I don't really think this bet is that polarized at all ESPECIALLY with the sizing. I don't really see why you couldn't bet A6 here, or a flush if you somehow got here like that, or pretty much anything. I think it's even less polarized because it really seems like a value bet and not a bluff. I wouldn't consider a bet polarized in this spot unless it was like 600-1150.
Darb, I think you misplayed this hand. With a fair bit of equity/very little clean or good equity (both of your draws are pretty weak) this is a spot you definitely want to take the lead on the flop. Bet 125-150 on the flop, and if he raises probably just fold (definitely fold if it's anything over a min-raise, but maybe fold to the min as well).
If he calls flop bet basically any turn (the only turns I might not bet are like the 4 or 8 of clubs or something where it's super way ahead/way behind. If he raises turn, easy fold.
If he calls turn shove every river that improves your hand to a pair of Q or better (assuming the board run out is such that a pair of Q should be best), not if the runout is 9x/Q, 4x/Q, or Ax/Q or something, but also bluff shove if any ace or king hit on the turn/river and all the draws missed.
There's probably some less obvious bet turn/shove river run outs but it's better to focus on not missing the fist pump ones. The less obvious run outs to shove are basically any run out where there's no 9 or 4 (or club, because if there's a club you're usually value shoving). The reason for this is that a lot of his range is draws, and many of his missed draws beat us at showdown, so it's suuuch a mistake to bet twice and check once OUR draws missed on boards where HIS draws also missed. Nearly any good hand will raises flop or turn, so usually if he calls twice it's an 8 and/or a club the vast majority of the time, therefore we can still shove if the board runs out Tx/Jx, or 2x/Jx type things.