[deleted] Hey guys; As a couple ppl know, my father is very sick and recently has had some... difficulties, I may have to scoot home down to cambridge in a hurry in the near future, I got a txt from my sister tonight that worries me. I have shipped back all BAP $$$ just to be safe. If I somehow managed to mess up, please let me know and I will correct it. I DONT want to create a cluster fuck if I miss an event; The schedule I had planned was very thought out, and even if I miss an event or 2 or 5 I dont want you guys to get mad at me if a situation arises and I am unable to play, or I have to sit out. That is no good for anyone. I figured this was the best way, I will still play a few event's and accept BAP's once I know what the hell is going on, and can confirm a better, more appropriate schedule. I will know more tomorrow morning, when I talk to mom. I hope you all understand, and im very sorry.
SuitedPair well played man, best wishes to you and your family and your pops in particular. (not in the bap but I thought this was well done and in good form.)
djgolfcan jdAA88;305919 wrotehope your dad gets better man Ditto here. Keep us posted on how your Dad is doing.
[deleted] will do, I don't really wanna make a huge deal of it, im a pretty private person when it comes to family and personal affairs, but i appreciate the kind words alot. ill know more tomorrow, i just felt like this was the right thing to do, given the circumstances and being unsure of what to expect, I just wanted to be totally honest with the people that invested in me; I had no choice but to explain the scenario im in. Hope all the transfers are correct, I did it really fast when I decided this was best, if there are any problems let me know. thanks