[deleted] okay I just finished 25th in a 450 player tournament, at the time I went out I had 65000 chips and was 2nd in chips, I get AKo and raised 4 times the big blind which was 2000 at the time, I was called by the chip leader of the tounament who had 100 000 chips. the pot was around 20 000 or so before the flop. The flop comes King Jack seven, I wait a bit and bet 10 000, he quickly raises to 20 000, I wait and call. The next card comes and I bet 3/4 of the pot, he goes all in and I call. Hes holding "77" and gets a set, Could I have played this differrently? btw I was first to act, and I was playing tight, so I think it was really foolish for the chip eader to call me.
djgolfcan While top pair top kicker is usually good, the re-raise after your flop bet should have gotten you to slow down. You only have a pair, he could have a set, two pair (K-J most likely) or AK as well. And raise less pre-flop, 2.5x will get you the same result as 4x. The big stack was set mining, hit and got paid off, not a silly move at all. In a tournament, I try not to tangle with stacks that can knock me out. If at all possible.
Milo NLHE Tournament, What should I have done Differrent? Posted in the strat forums? Just sayin' . . .
Hobbes 1) lol at a 4x raise at this point 2.5x (with antes) is fine 2) Don't marry TPTK esp when he jams the turn. Think of his range of hands he called you with preflop.
Wetts1012 djgolfcan;305493 wrote In a tournament, I try not to tangle with stacks that can knock me out. If at all possible. This is a leak. They are exploiting you.