windbreaker;305134 wroteWhy can't he have a flush draw?
He can, he can have Q,xh...but even if we add no queen/1 heart hands to his range it doesn't change our decision much.
Villain always has a queen, thats the read, the question is do we value jamming over check backing and forfeiting the pot
windbreaker;305134 wrote If he's timid more reason to cbet flop.
not cbetting is an adjustment, tailored to the dynamics of the hu match, that started long before the hu match. I c-bet like 95% of hu flops (not a stat but just sayin)
windbreaker;305134 wroteWith these stacks...min raising this hand seems bad. You're puttuing too much out there with 6 high. Against timid opponents flatting pre works just as fine.
Often I will create a flatting range as an adjustment to certain opponents, however against those that constantly fold to a min raise, flatting 56o is a mistake.