OK so last night I had pockets 6's and called a raise of something like 3.50 or whatever in a 25/50 cent NLHE game.
Flop A 6 and J all spades. SO Im sitting on bottom set with no spades in my hand. he bets 15 or maybe it was like 22. whatever it was, it was high for the pot. I think and think then fold.
what would you do...... answer to what he has in next post for spoiler.
Im sure its an easy fold but anyways he had AA ;)
Im a huuuuuuuuuge tuna and get it in with the hopes of filling up on the turn or river, I never fold flopped sets :arghh:
should I have not posted what he had?? lol new to this stuff on here
Yeah delete it quick if you want input, I edited my post, no one will ever know
unless its a straight up brag post, in that case, leave it.
too late, I saw it... lol.... I'm not folding either, Likely getting it in on the flop.. If it's a cooler, it's a cooler... But you have outs if it's a flopped flush..
I got a few 'great folds' with it last night and I firmly stand by it was a great fold..although I want your thoughts just because all spade board.
neverlookback;304593 wroteI got a few 'great folds' with it last night and I firmly stand by it was a great fold..although I want your thoughts just because all spade board.
So you showed? If you are going to fold in this situation, then never show. Just makes you a target imo...
just a friendly home game.. Im not too worried. I dont show much ever
i will sometimes show in these situations to elicit a show from my opponents. there are different schools of thought on showing. some hold that you should never show, the tommy angelo style if you will. and there is some merit to this. in elements of poker angelo writes '... but nothing gives me as much info as ppl who show when they don't have to' (not verbatim but that is the idea exactly). otoh caro says to show whenever anyone asks. i advise to always show @ showdown no matter what (u could muck winner! less likely to occur if hand is tabled) to never show while ur hand is still live (a few very rare exceptions, i.e. if u both agreed to show or to show one). you can also show for a purpose... if someone folds too much u can show them nuts, if someone calls too much u can show them bluff
also w/ just the info given in OP this is a bad fold
GTA Poker
Need info on stack sizes, your image of the player in question and what range of hands you put him on
then again 6 to the flop and chances of flush go up significantly! basic info required to post a hand :
stack sizes, all action up to 'focused decision making point', reads / history on villian, description of your own play style and villians perception of your play style, really any salient details! let's try to post some hands from tonight's game and then share our own separate analysis
ya I cant remember what stack sizes where and all that so only info I have is what I posted. I showed because I personally thought it was a good laydown so I wanted credit for that and people to know it
GTA Poker
neverlookback;307207 wroteya I cant remember what stack sizes where and all that so only info I have is what I posted. I showed because I personally thought it was a good laydown so I wanted credit for that and people to know it
note that you may sometimes have to look back to improve as a player ;)
Bad fold
Good use of sarcasm from GTA. Well done.
Two pieces of info : villian is a notorious nit and it was 3 bet pre