Richard~;304542 wroteI was sleeping. What I meant was theat you think he's opening wide, you're not worried about getting 4bet light, you're not looking to crack big hands, you're mainly calling pre cause you think you're ahead of his opening range.I just think you can pretty safely 3bet for value
The idea is he folds almost everything when I 3bet and then I waste kqs. I mean 3betting kqs might be right here but I'm guessing flatting has merit, it just looks weird the way things panned out.
But the whole premise of this hand is im going to float regs cbets on Ace high boards and watch them hit the auto fold checkbox all day long, because they are cbetting nearly 100% on A high boards and check folding hands like JJ because they are on 20 tables.....thats why I bet the turn so small (autofolds).
But when he called and the river missed the draw I figure I have to make a small bluff (no show down value), which i think is completely reasonable and I can't understand why BTP said its not a believable story that i have an Ace. ???
looking back though maybe I should check the river back and expect King high to be good vs his missed draws.
Anyways villain called with ATo and I was surprised.