Hey guys.
Thinking about going up to GBH on Saturday. What games/limits are played there now? It's been a while since I've made the trip. I noticed they had pineapple as a new addition and I heard that they are/were trying to spread games lower than 5/10 (although I would probably play 5/10 as minimum limits anyway).
Just came back from GBH Satellite tourney. Place was full with 10/20, 20/40 Limit. Had Pineapple and a "Straddle type" play on some tables. They tried to start a 2/5 Limit table but nobody wanted it. Go big or go home, I guess.
Dealers in Tourney were good, structure was great (30' blinds). Only ten showed up for the "Island Poker Series" satellite, so one Ticket to the $2100 Island Poker series main event and a $500 2nd place prize. Yours truly blew the chip lead and got 2nd. AA took out a flush draw.
unlucky healy. I saw the 1 table running. I was at 10/20.
I have never seen anything lower then 5/10 run even thought they said they are open to 2/4. I can't see it running as all limits fill easily. I reccommed before you go on Saturday to call in advance to get on the poker waitlist. You have 90 min to show it from the time you call in. It will save you from hanging around a long time.
Lol @ the 'straddle' type play, it was probably me on the Omaha table since I probably straddled over 10 times.
I saw Dead_Money today. The tournament structure is too slow for a satellite tournament, especially if it's a sng. 5k-6k starting stacks would've been plenty already. Also the 10:30am start time is terrible for people that work. They should run a 4 hour long satellite that starts at 6pm so it can finish before 11pm where people don't have to take a day off work.
OK so that "Straddle like game" was a "kill" game....
Types of straddles / Not a kill
Not all straddles are equal, not all straddles are legal and not all straddles are right. The straddle usually occurs in games with at least one forced blind, like Hold’em and Omaha. An important note: straddling is NOT the same as a kill. Kill games are used in limit poker (and sometimes pot limit), but straddles can occur frequently in no limit, limit, and pot limit games.
In a kill game, when the kill conditions occur, the winning player posts what looks like a straddle, double the big in full kill games, a bit less in half kill games, and the betting limits subsequently increase for that one hand. There is no trigger for a straddle, just a reckless player’s impulse and the conviction to speak on it. So, in a 10-20 kill game when the kill is in effect, you’d play 20-40 until the kill is off. During a kill pot, preflop, the player does have action to raise himself and sometimes he gets to act last. However, a kill is not a straddle; it’s just a larger big blind structure for the entire hand. A straddle’s monetary impact is only felt preflop. In a 2-5 no limit game, a player can conceivably straddle for $100 and then bet any amount $5 or larger on the flop, turn and river.
Correct. Just about every game there now is kill or 1/2 kill.
So, at GBH, what are the conditions for the "kill" in a kill game to be activated? Sorry, never have played a kill game before...so I don't know if it is a certain pot size won, of if a player wins a certain number of pots in a row or some other factor.
Check out the Wikipedia article for full details of "Kill Game". Here's the link;
yah but kills have different triggers.... in brantford it's 10 big bets prolly same
Meistro is right. The kill becomes active when the pot gets to 10 big bets.
Went up there Saturday and played okay.....but the kill pots definately killed my results. When you twice flop both the nut flush and straight draws plus overcards, get multi-way action, and none of it comes in by the river....well it sucks. And of course get involved in another kill pot with the king high flush and lose to the nut flush (3 flush on board) didn't help matters either. Ah well.
Anyway, I can see why GBH is trying to offer lower limits...I think the games are a bit pricy for a recreational player who wants to learn to play. This is what was on the board when I left after my crappy session.
5-10 (full kill....the game I played in)
10-20 half kill
20-40 half kill
20-40 Omaha half kill
20-40 Pineapple half kill (which was a 30-60 hold-em game before the table switched it).
This may price out a lot of recreational players...but there is plenty of action if you got the cash to handle the swings. This isn't affecting the room in any way as all the tables were full and the lists were a mile long when I left. Just an observation on my part. Anyways, since I'm off this week, I may go back and take another shot.
Good luck if you decide to go back. You sounded a little unlucky in the few pots you played. A different card or two and you would have left up 400-500 by the sounds of it.
Well I went today and my dry run of cards continued. I might have seen 3 pocket pairs plus a handful of other hands that never connected with the flop. Dropped about 20BBs...
How bad was my luck today? I was on the 5-10 list and was asked if I wanted to move to the new table they were starting. I declined. On that table's second hand, quad queens were cracked by a queen high straight flush for the bad beat jackpot of 45k....fml.
lol. Go figure. That just shows how bad you are running.