Lately there has been alot of 10/20 and 20/40 pineapple 1/2 kill games running. I am looking for input as to what hands to play and what your opinions are about the game itself.
Personally I am not a huge fan of the game, however I do find it very juicy in terms of the pot sizes and fish playing. I hear people say play all pp and AQ suited as a minimum. Is this the best way to go or is there any value in playing 7s8s or ThJh?
I appreciate the feedack.
Not much experience with Pineapple, but would 3 card runs (suited or not) have value in a manner similar to Omaha?
This is the variant where you discard before the flop right? It seems to me you should play tighter than you would in hold'em. So if you the weakest hand you played UTG before was 88 or AQ then you would start at say TT + AK and loosen up as you get towards the button. Practice online for low stakes imo.
GTA Poker
If it's a preflop discard in a limit game then just adjust holdem hands upwards. If the game is loose then high connectors increase in value, etc, etc.
What is the FLO games there like?
The typical pineapple game played at GBH is pretty much played like their limit Omaha Hi, but with 2 cards, pretty much you want to play hands that can make the best hand on the flop with additional redraws since every time the board changes with 6-7 people going to the turn, it's very likely the turn has connected with them. So hands like suited aces and big pocket pairs for set mining are ideal, since set over set and flush over flushes are very common by the river.
FLO games are very good. I played 10/20 last friday and made $800. The 20/40 runs regularly and always has wait list. Too deep for me but plays like bingo. 3 players know hand values, the rest call any 4 and hope to flop big. I wish 10/20 FLO ran more often but it dosent.