jdAA88;303595 wrotejust PTR'd him and holy crap, he's crushing PLO, how old is he/how long's he been playing if you don't mind me asking?
About 30 and prob 5 years plus. I've watched him at $25/$50 live for at least 3 years. He kills $3/$6 and $5/$10, how he manages to consistently get back up to these games. He wants a million and that's pretty much what you can expect him to try to do here.
In his opinion, PLO is not as much of a gamblers game as some say and there are solid consistent strategies, and of course skill in adapting.
Once he quiets down, he may help write an article and interview but doesn't want more action than he can handle. He's sitting the same guys online, which of course is good, though he says it is getting tougher to get a game while he is crushing. A lot of HS want to bum hunt.