philliivey So looks like merge has gone from 10 man sng's to 9 man! I for one like that change and I would play more on merge if their was enough sit n go traffic. Next up is entraction, from what I am reading on 2p2 is they reduced the rake on sng's to 5%:o. Hopefully that is true and bring some site competition in sng offerings. Discuss...............
[deleted] Generally, sng grinders put in too much volume to be fazed or affected by rake If it does faze them, they play turbo's, not reg speed, reg speed sng's is -ev imo (higher rake, longer to play, etc.)
Vekked costanza;303356 wroteGenerally, sng grinders put in too much volume to be fazed or affected by rake If it does faze them, they play turbo's, not reg speed, reg speed sng's is -ev imo (higher rake, longer to play, etc.) no...