darbday;304703 wroteI'm just explaing to you that she hangs out with guys that bully people, if you can't see that then you need the lessons.
Okay, you asked for it.
First of all, you have no clue about who my daughter is, or whom she might be hanging out with. Nor do you have any idea what kind of a person she is because you have never met her, her Mother, or her Father. You only have the preconceptions you have developed about me based on my posting history on this Forum. That is a pretty shitty way to try and get a "read" on a person. Kind of like playing poker without your HUD, pokerstove, or any of the other data mining software that helps make you a better player.
Secondly, there are more than a few people on this site who think you are the cat's ass when it comes to on-line grinders. I personally know one or two who think you might even be the best on this site. But you cannot seem to avoid getting "tilted" worth a damn. Just because people disagree with your points of view, and do so with a certain amount of venom, does not mean they are "bullying" you. It means it's the internet . . .
no one addresses people on the web they do in real life. Get over it. Beats me how someone so highly thought of in terms of poker can allow themselves to be so anguished by shit that happens on the web.
Finally, knock it off with the pseudo-mystical, high as a kite, border-line incoherent ramblings that start in the middle of nowhere, and just get more aimless after that. If you want to communicate with people, you need to speak/type in a language that they understand, not some cryptic codex that you have developed while deep in the rapturous arms of your vaporizer.
Jesus H. Christ, darb, you are a lot of fun to play with, both in the tournies and on the site, but sometimes you can act like such a mysanthropic little twat that I just want to throw my hands up and walk away. So that is what I am going to do tonight. See you folks all tomorrow.