GTA Poker T8urmoney;307437 wrotemissing this BAP is equal to playing limit holdem......very painful foshiz...cept LHE is fun once in a while...did u play the plo today?
westside8 Hobbes;307971 wroteGood luck the rest of the way with this. Eat your Subway sammiches. :) Big weekend this weekend.
actyper Need more meat. 16th in the $55r for $580 and a small cash in the $3r. AA once again failed me with 18 left AA=AJ
[deleted] GTA Poker;308941 wroteps -- saw a cod sub at subway in lethbridge #urgunnadie you gotta elaborate on what that sub entails sir lol also, where are u atm? r u travelling?
actyper so tilted from busting the me. Had a decent stack then blew it all 28th for 1424. 20/95 in the high roller
GTA Poker costanza;308943 wroteyou gotta elaborate on what that sub entails sir lol also, where are u atm? r u travelling? I assume fish and to San Jose last night. Lethbridge to San Jose in 2 days with a trailer not highly recommended.
GTA Poker actyper;308944 wroteso tilted from busting the me. Had a decent stack then blew it all 28th for 1424. 20/95 in the high roller sucks to win all the time...take this one down oops spoke too soon
actyper So after this i'm about $450 short in buyins. Going to add my TOC freeroll - $10k - 70 players, the $15k leaderboad, and next sunday's sunday mill. If anybody has any objections lmk
Wolffhound Sounds good. GL! P.s. That Sub sounds gross...Double Filet o Fish now at McD's, that's the real runsgood