STR82ACE djgolfcan;302793 wroteFck it, I'm in for the last 2% - will ship now kill me!
STR82ACE Considering the other stack sizes in the tourney, you need to triple up soon to keep up with the blinds. Don't wait for primo hands, you need luck now.
Irunit4times Game theory is right now, cant play to win when your short stackm I dont mind blinding out to possibly move up one more pay spot to have a better chance at doubling. Cant just ship with anything just yet, whether I blind out or ship it and get called, result is the same, can wait for something of value to ship!
Irunit4times well, based on what was in pot, odds to call with suited connectors, hit a big draw and time to shove, thought he would call and I had outs to win.... tying to double if he hits, running out of options, dont wanna race with only 1 card to come.
STR82ACE Irunit4times;302801 wroteagreed, but what good does it do me? Worst case...2 live cards. With your stack, worth it. You need chips to go deeper, folding won't get you there fast enough. I KNOW you can make moves.
STR82ACE Hobbes;302803 wroteStop-n-go? with his stack? not sure if that's in the book, but it worked out for him GOGOGO ALEX!