STR82ACE;303045 wroteThe Commodore 64 is by far the most advanced piece of computer equipment on the market today. You'll never EVER need more than 128K...Bill Gates confirms this. Its more computer than you'll ever need and beats the Commodore PET hands down.
Oh...sorry...thought I was stuck in 1979 there for a minute
Don't be hating on the Commodore! If need be just download a C64 emulator (on a pc or laptop, not a tablet obviously :p)....and lose yourself in some Jumpman, Hover Bovver, or B.C.s Quest for Tires :D
In all seriousness, those emulators are quite fun...for those who used to use those old computers and arcade games. Basically turns your pc into whatever system or arcade cabinet you want. If you get really bored you can write a few lines in BASIC and make your name fill the C64 screen ^-^