Richard~ can everyone just post their stars alias so I can ship the winnings back? And hobbes, you were going to emt the money back to gta for me, right? I've updated the first post with the amounts to be paid back. unfortunately I only cashed twice for 60 and 277 dollars respectively but I'll send the shares of those winnings as soon as I can
Hellmuth's Mole HelmuthsMo!e on Stars. Watch the exclamation mark instead of lower case l in Mo!e. Thanks
Richard~ Hellmuth's Mole;312795 wroteHelmuthsMo!e on Stars. Watch the exclamation mark instead of lower case l in Mo!e. Thanks wow, sorry. Though I checked the list...I'll transfer as soon as I get home
Hellmuth's Mole Richard~;312799 wrotewow, sorry. Though I checked the list...I'll transfer as soon as I get home no problem, no rush