So I have been think about building myself a nice table for a while now, and I was wondering who else was thinking of doing this. The materials to build it, vinyl, felt, padding, are all fairly expensive and everything except for the felt are mostly wasted pieces just to cover the railing. So I was thinking if enough people were interested to build their own too, a group buy on the materials may make it easier to build one.
A roll of vinyl or a roll of felt split between enough people may make it cheaper, or just a group buy on these items may provide for a decent discount, I don't know.
Is anyone else on here interested in building their own table and setting up a group buy on materials?
Post if your interested and if so on what?
i buy tons of materials, vinyls, 1/4" play surface foam, 1" hd rail foam, suede, cup holders, pedestals, you name it. i would be interested in any way to save some money on supplies. I'm located in Vancouver though, not sure where you are but i'd assume on the east side.
I am located in the Toronto region. If more people are interested I am sure we can find a way of getting discounts on products before shipping....