I like the post from betrthanphil and I've decided to motivate myself as well.
I hit 102-104kvpp last year, and I'm going for 200k vpp this year.
I am currently @ 26,103.58vpp
Pace = 26,301vpp
I'm finishing my final 2 courses @ UNI right now and will be flying out to Europe on May 7th!
I have bought a one way ticket and will be living in Poland for the most part with a HU grinder buddy in Croatia for a month or two and Lithuana for roughly a month as well..
If I start to fall far behind in Sept/Oct I will end up buying a return ticket back home and grinding hard for the last couple months.
$16,000 RAKEBACK = 200,000vpp
With my goal of 200,000vpp I hope to make $70,000 - $80,000 including Rakeback.
I'm currently running hot this year and @ $13,389.53 profit pre-rakeback
Feb Goal = 18,000vpp
April Goal = 20,000vpp