asxn557 I got this message from Pokerstars today by email: "Greetings from PokerStars. We at PokerStars have noticed that you have been using a prohibited statistics program called "Poker Edge". Poker Edge is prohibited because it relies on an external database that contains information you did not acquire through the course of your own gameplay." There was more to the email and at the bottom they told me they have frozen my account. At first I thought it was spam, but no, they have frozen my account. Anyone else seen this before? And I have never ever used Poker Edge. I think they are getting a 'false positive' from one of the other programs I use.
Tcarnage Are you using a hud? Pokerstars can see your screen and all programs running while you have the client open. E-mail them back, apologize and ask exactly what the .exe file is and just delete it if it's a false positive...
philliivey If you use hold em manager this may be it, there are other's reporting the same thing as you.
compuease Tcarnage;300554 wrotePokerstars can see your screen and all programs running while you have the client open. ? ? ? They can see those pictures?
Milo We ALL can . . . put some freakin' pants on comp, NOBODY wants to see that . . . Who do you think you are, Mark?
asxn557 I use Poker Office to download hand histories. It's an older version that I didn't renew the subscription and therefore won't run as a HUD. This is an allowed program (at least it used to be). I've apologized but will wait for the next email to ask them what .exe I have to delete. I also use PokerStove. Surely that can't be causing a problem.
The Highflyer Well both Poker Office and Poker Stove are acceptable programs to run... so you must have downloaded Poker Edge somewhere along the line and it does run in your background... Here is the 2+2 thread on it Serious Pokerstars and Poker Edge issue! - Poker News - News, Views and Gossip I would say to check your startup programs and see what runs in your background the next time you are on your comp. If you're not sure how to view that you can always dl hijackthis and do a quick scan as it will export all programs which are running and you can post that here.
asxn557 And the reply: "Hello Thomas, Thank you for your response and explanation. On very rare occasions, our automated detection systems may report a false positive on the use of a prohibited third party tool. We believe that is what happened here. As such, your account has been reopened and remains in good standing. We appreciate your acknowledgement of our rules. If you have any further questions or concerns, please let us know. Best of luck at the tables! Regards, Jackson PokerStars Game Security Team" Jerks.