Just got back from my little 'poker vacation' in Niagara Falls. I'll try to do a timeline to outline my experiences.
After winning a satellite seat at an OPT game before Christmas, I was really looking forward to playing this event. I've never played in this kind of poker tourney before, and I was a bit nervous no doubt, but the excitement of actually playing such a big event was building with each passing day. My goals were well...go deep...don't make stupid mistakes...and enjoy the experience overall.
Tuesday noon, I left work, pumped to get going. GarryC met up with me at my place and after the ceremonial goodbyes to the wife, we were off. We were both pumped to play, me more so I think because this was the biggest event I've played to date while Garry had place a WSOP last year as well as the $1k last year. We got to the hotel room, got settled, and I texted SteveKerr to hook up to collect our vouchers and hoodies he got for all the satellite winners. We met up at Timmie's in the casino, chatted, got some details of where to be at what time, and then we hit the casino floor. Now I've been here before, but its been awhile. Not much has changed really. Poker room was filled to capacity with a waiting list a mile long, spreading 2/5 up to 25/50!! The 25/50 table had no less than $200k on it!! Needless to say we didn't even bother putting our names down and I went looking for some BlackJack action. Played some blackjack, went down $200 in less than 2 hrs...not a good start, then tried some 3Card Poker. Never played it before, took less than 5mins to learn, and found out I love the game!! Went up to about $400 at one point, but slowly bleed it to zero. Still love the game!! After that, we met up with Steve and some other satellite winners for dinner, shot the shit for awhile, went back up to the floor to lose a few more, before heading back to the room to try to get a good nights rest before the $1K event the next day.
Woke up Wednesday morning, not feeling at all rested. I don't sleep well in strange beds the first night, and I was constantly tossing and turning and waking myself up throughout the night. Garry believed it to be pre tourney nerves...well maybe, but the fact is, I don't sleep well in strange places. Anyway, met up with others for a rungood breakfast before heading to the casino to register for the $1K. We were there in plenty of time ( I HATE queuing up for things like this), presented my PAC card and photo ID with the voucher, got my seat assignment, and then waited at Timmies. Didn't take long fore the scalpers to mingle and start selling at an asking price of $1200 to $1300. And before you knew it, they were desperate to sell, eventually giving them away for $700 or less. Blackmagicz came down to 'scalp the scalpers', which he did very well, picking up for himself, and one for BetthanPhil, who wasn't going to play this event, but after getting a discounted voucher, made it out. The rest of that story, I think you already know.
Before game time, there was a delay. Seems that there were some forged vouchers circulating. As I was waiting for the doors to open, I say a woman approach a young kid (pants hanging half way down his ass, his shorts showing above them...why is this such a fad anyway? disgusting look if you ask me). Anyway, this woman asks this kid to follow her before she shows her badge under her sweater. He starts to go with her reluctantly, then stops to look for his buds. She turns back to get him, and starts dragging by his arm into the back. One word came to my mind after seeing that...BUSTED!!
Finally game time, and I walk into the hall filled with poker tables. What a sight!!! 60 tables lined up, and people scouring for their seats. I must say, the staff were very helpful for the most part, and after finding my seat, I sat down and waiting for the shuffle up and deal call. First hand, I have A10diamonds in late position, folded to me and I raise 3xbb, and I win my first pot!! Oh Happy Days!! I didn't bust out!! :laugh: The blinds were 45mins long so there was all kinds of play, but some of the moves I saw in the first couple of levels still have me scratching my head. Button 3bets with 42diamonds preflop, gets called, makes a huge bet on a Ace high board, and scoops the pot before showing he has trash. Another guy on seat 5 made a HUGE preflop call with J8 suited on the button, original raiser pushes all in on a 85K rainbow flop, button calls saying its hit favourite hand...hits J on turn, 8 on river to bust out AKo. Sick beat!
I flopped a set of aces in round 3 on a A82 board with 2 clubs against 2 callers who cold called my preflop raise OOP. Both check to me, I make a 2/3 psb hoping to get some action but make a flush draw pay to see, caller one folds after tanking for a few minutes, caller two insta pushes with AQclubs. Harmless turn card, and I river a two for a boat and caller two is out. My first big tourney elimination!! WOOHOO!!:D Wasn't long after that we were moved, and I stayed focus on playing as well as I could, building a nice stack at one point to about 20k before taking a couple of small hits. By first break I was above average in stacks, and feeling good about my play. By dinner break, I was about average in stacks, took out two more shorties, and gave some chips up in a missed OESFD just before dinner break. I still felt good though about how I played so far and was eager to return from dinner for more.
Now anyone who thinks 45mins for dinner is long enough...never had to wait 30mins to get their food and wolf it down and pay for it in time to get back to the tables before the break ended. Thank God I don't taste my food when I eat anyway.
After dinner, the cards went dead on me for the longest time, and although I hovered around average for while, I eventually took some hits to drop me down to 10 or 12 bb a couple of times. Never got called on my pushes though, and managed to rebuild up to average when THAT hand happened.
I don't remember the blinds off hand, but action is folded to me on the button, and I hold 88. I"m abit below average stack at this point and figure I make a push here to steal the blinds and antes from the short stacked blinds, both of which I had covered and were playing nitty tight. Small blind folds but big blind insta calls with KK. I don't improve and I end up being crippled to <5bb. My last hand was about 4 or 5 hands later, where I pick up 97s and push, get called by J7s from the big stack at the table. The board runs without a 9 coming to save my fat ass, and I'm out in 130/600 :( For my first big tourney though, I think I played well, got deeper than I expected if not as deep as I would have liked, and kept the mistakes to a minimum. Thoroughly enjoyed the game all the same though.
Not much else happened that night, but Thursday we railed the remaining players who made the money, especially BetthanPhil. He was a machine!! If you've never seen him play, you should make an effort to do so. The man is a great player!! Learned a lot just from watching from the rail from afar!
Garry and I headed to Casino Niagara for some 1/ least that waiting list was a respectable 45min or so. And the action was typical for 1/2...young wannabe pros who talk a lot of shit and old men and women who push with bottom pair and when they hit a river trips, claim they're the best players since Doyle Bronson. It would be hilarious if it didn't hurt so much to loose to these players when the cards go sour on you. :baffled:
Two good things happened though at Niagara. While waiting for more tables to open last night, I sat on the 3card poker table and built up to about a nice stack before hitting not one but TWO straight flushes. Both have a story.
About 20mins before the first one, a young Asian kid wanted to play in the corner seat of the table, but it was reserved and the guy was heading back already. The dealer told him he couldn't have that seat, but there was an empty one on my right, which he refused, saying it wasn't lucky. I took this as a challenge and started playing that row as well as my own. In 20mins, I hit pairs twice, a flush once, and eventually a straight flush, paying 40 to 1!! Thank you sir!! $200 score!!
Awhile after that, my name came up on the poker list so I announced to the table it would be my last hand and doubled my bets on Pairs Plus, Ante, and blinded the Bet box, and played it blind. After the dealer qualifies, I ask to do mine last, which she obliged, and sure enough...ANOTHER STRAIGHT FLUSH!! Another $400 score!! Couldn't believe it!!
Took my winnings to the poker room where I told Garry about my rush. He couldn't believe it either but I showed him my stack of blacks and I made a believer out of him. Sat down, someone noticed my Bruins watch and I told the table of much of a Bruins diehard fan I was. The dealer informed me they were holding a draw at the bar for a Boston Bruins home jersey, 18 Horton, so I made my way over, talked to the two very pretty reps for Molson, entered the contest and waited for the draw. On my way back from having a smoke about an hour and a half later, I hear my name being screamed by two young ladies...something I've often fantasized about ^-^...and I end up winning the jersey!! SCORE!!!:D
Played more poker, didn't do so well, and went back to the room. After breakfast this morning, we met up with CrazyKoby and Wetts and DeadMoney at Timmies. CK and Wetts were playing the 2.5 k while DM sold the voucher he won in the super satellites. We wished them luck, went back to play more 3card poker with not such great results, but I did manage to meet BigDogPckt5's, an online pro from St Catherine's as well as an instructor on Tournament Poker Edge who was also playing the 2.5 event. Wished him luck, Garry went to cash in his chips, and put $20 in a slot before heading out the exit for his wife...and wins $200!! NICE!!
All in all, I had a great experience, and even though the expenses outweighed the profit, I would do it all over again in a second!!!