BlondeFish Wow, not enough :fish:this year willing to pay a premium and greedy scalpers hoarding too many vouchers. If I didn't have such a good day online, I'd be crying about missing out on the discounted $1K event with 100% overlay! :eek: The_Game;299226 wroteI witness 1K vaoucher go for $500. Hahah oo yea there were a few that went for $700.
blackmagicz Yup I picked up a ticket for 700 along with someone else. Not too mention betrthanphil wh o is the chipleader going into tomorrow got it under face value too...FU scalpers....hahahah. Sick action in cash game as well!
khealy In the money! 101,600 Chips. Big stacks about 250,000 & 270,000. Check out for details.
djgolfcan For those not watching twitter - Betrthanphil just eliminated a player, 15 left, I think he has around 300k, above avg stack.
literation djgolfcan;299370 wroteFor those not watching twitter - Betrthanphil just eliminated a player, 15 left, I think he has around 300k, above avg stack. Hmmm last twitter update I see is 6h ago.
Hobbes literation;299374 wroteHmmm last twitter update I see is 6h ago. Follow @SkinnySteve he's posting
Pinhead FT time, should have a chip count soon I would guess, seemed like well over 300k with 11 left but I can only assume he took out 11th and 10th too...
Toronto Pimp I hear Steve Howchin is really deep. GO STEVE GO !!! fellow King of Clubs Alumni. ship it
khealy Finished 5th for $22,194 in the $1K. Steve busted my 650K stack so he now has over 1.2 Million of the 3 million chips in play. It was a Shove and fold fest as we were only 20 - 40 BB's deep for the final five. Still a good cash for me ! :D
JimmyHo Can't keep track of all my BAPs today...Crazykoby, BetrthanPhil, Vekked...who else?? Just PM me if I win money :) lol :) GL, GL!
philliivey pokerJAH;299428 wroteCan't keep track of all my BAPs today...Crazykoby, BetrthanPhil, Vekked...who else?? Just PM me if I win money :) lol :) GL, GL! HAHA, ya I wonder how in the heck Hobbes does it and keeps track.:o
JimmyHo philliivey;299431 wroteHAHA, ya I wonder how in the heck Hobbes does it and keeps track.:o Reminds me of the old days betting triactors at Woodbine...good times!
Hobbes philliivey;299431 wroteHAHA, ya I wonder how in the heck Hobbes does it and keeps track.:o Excel spreadsheet and twitter (for live events) I have BTP, actyper, SteveKerr, Popkorn, CrazyKoby and Wetts today