Thought I was going to be too busy to even visit all you big players this year however a big job that I was going to be doing for the next 5 days has been postponed for 2 weeks... So here comes the idea.. The 1K is sold out and the 2.5K is way out of my bankroll, but what if I play the supersat on Thursday and bap out 50% at even money. (I am no wetts). Assuming I get into the 2.5K the bap'rs would own the same % of me as they do for the supersat...
I will sell 50% of the supersat so $2.75 per %.
My only previous bap was one I did for a Vegas trip about 18 months ago and think I broke even or up slightly.. Chopped the 1st tournament in the bap which meant we freerolled the rest of the way, but that was the only cash.. Most of you know me as pretty tight but someone who doesn't let himself get much under 10-15BB intentionally. Don't have any real recorded results on line as I play only recreationally and not that often. However I have only ever deposited $50. online circa 2004 and built from there. My biggest online win was a final table on Tilt for $1200 something on 2010. I have taken approx $4k. total offline over the years so this is obviously no pro speaking here.
I have played some reasonably large live tournaments, including the WSOP seniors event (2700 runners) finishing 330th I believe it was as well as a couple of Venetian deep stacks (without cashes) as well as a 230 person Atlantic City Borgata event where I finished 8th for $1050.
I obviously can afford the $275. for the SS or for that matter I could the $2.5K or the $5K. but I have always promised my wife I would never use personal money for poker and I never have.. However it is a lot more fun to have a cheering section and the cameraderie..
Hobbes - 5% - $13.75 PAID via EMT
GTA - 15% - $41.25 PAID via EMT
Dr Tyore - 10% - $27.50 PAID via EMT
Pinhead - 10% - $27.50 PAID via Stars
JohnnieH - 10% - $27.50 PAID via EMT
Wolffhound ??
Wes ??
Crazykoby 10%
will tweet updates from my phone.!/jeff_cookson