Milo So, we are ruled by a Junta, now? COOL . . . I am going to start referring to comp as El Jeffe. Wes can be the Commandante. The other guy, well, just to be safe, we will not speak of the Generalissimo outisde of this thread, okay?
[deleted] Wetts1012;298950 wrotenewb. :mad: true, i think i get it now tho that one thread that i think we are refering to is gone, right? and Dr wont like it? takes me a bit to figure things out lol ^-^
Wetts1012 costanza;298957 wrote:mad: true, i think i get it now tho that one thread that i think we are refering to is gone, right? and Dr wont like it? takes me a bit to figure things out lol ^-^ aliens.
Hellmuth's Mole do I lose my likes?!? be very afeard Edit: GOD DAMNITT!! I did lose my likes!! Now I really want philli banned.
Wetts1012 costanza;298957 wrote takes me a bit to figure things out lol ^-^ I had it figured out a while back, but wont blow the cover this time.
Milo Hellmuth's Mole;298959 wrotedo I lose my likes?!? be very afeard Edit: GOD DAMNITT!! I did lose my likes!! Now I really want philli banned. How many did you lose? I'll top you up . . .
DrTyore compuease;299040 wroteI can't figure out why Dr Tyore took this lying down...??? Several possibilities... A: It's opposite day B: I'm drunk C: I'm drunk on opposite day Mark