DataMn;298380 wroteIt comes down to your read, and how many hands you think the person is making this raise with. But the fold equity that we are getting is very large since there is over a quarter of our stack out there already.
If you think that he would be doing the raise with the top 20% of hands (66+,A4s+,K8s+,Q9s+,J9s+,T9s,A9o+,KTo+,QTo+,JTo), and he would fold to your shove with any part of this range, then the shove is the right move to do.
Example: He raises with the top 20% of hands, and then only calls your shove with the top 15% of hands (77+,A7s+,K9s+,QTs+,JTs,ATo+,KTo+). The fact that he is folding 25% of his current range makes your shove +EV [You are 45.84% against this new range, and you need 45.52% to be profitable].
If he does call with all of the top 20% of hands, it is still pretty close (you are 48.99% and need 50% to be profitable). But, if the player is ABC as stated it is hard to believe they are going to call your shove with hands like JTo.
If they are loosening up to try to put pressure on anyone, or happen to be out of the mold of ABC and moving towards maniac then the 77 shove is automatic. You would be over 50% against their current range, and the more hands they have to fold to have a hand sure to at least be a coin flip (top 15% - 77+,A7s+,K9s+,QTs+,JTs,ATo+,KTo+) hands you more and more equity.
Now, if you think they would only do this raise with the top 10% of hands, and they will call with all of them, then you need to fold.
PS - In the future it would probably help to know that this is not the final table (it took me a while adding up the chips to figure it out), where ICM considerations would become more prevalent than chip EV ones.
thx very nice post.
now heres the thing though. how do i put this guy on a min raise range? his range is anything from solely min raising KK+. Or possible just hand he'll call a jam like 88+ aqs+, or maybe some min/fold/call range like Kjs+, 66+ ATs+....and only calling of like the top 5% or something....
With antes I can have a way better idea. But without antes I feel lost here i think?
Also about stating whether its final table or not, you get no acknowledgments from me until their are at least antes in play :p