Daniel Negreanu Fans Several Poker Flames In Interview, Claims He Was Misquoted
This is just the icing on the cake. If anything good comes of Black Friday, it's that illusions have been shattered and the next generation of players will know what they are getting into.
These people knew how to play before anyone else did and some have kept up, while others are just actors paid to sell an image and a dream. Yes there is borrowing in gambling, but a deadbeat by any other name or excuse is still a deadbeat. What one person owes a person in debt is only an excuse.
The line Barry took reminds me of the story of Duke not paying Hamilton the money she borrowed as CASH to buy a house. It was all to easy to point the finger, yell scum and walk away. As far as the people he stole it from, yeah, they deserved it back.
A few years ago I wanted to spit in Joan Rivers face when she made the comments she did about Vegas and poker players. Now I applaude her call. Don't take that the wrong way, we all know there are great people in the community, but there are definetly a lot of hustlers out there too. On both sides of the felts.