Thought process:
He's SNE and fairly snug so his flatting range consists of AK and most pairs (maybe not the lowest ones), sometimes AQs, but rarely anything wider than that in these positions. Flop I actually have the As6s, I'm c-betting here for thin value/protection, and with the back door FD I can get him to off some better aces on certain run outs as well. I probably make nearly enough profit just with fold equity vs. his pairs. Turn comes the K, seems like a bad card given that there's no FD run outs, and his AK/AQ definitely don't fold to a barrel now. Also his KK now has a set, and QQ/JJ have some extra equity vs. me, not to mention he can turn them into bluffs and I can't c/c profitably.
BUT this card in a sense is a gin card, because although it improves his range a lot, given his tightness, he NEVER has QJs here, and given my looseness, I have QJs in my range 100%. Now 100BB deep this isn't a big deal, because I'm getting him off a set approximately 2% of the time almost no matter what line I take, but given that we're 200BB deep, I have some options. My tentative line is to c/r turn biggish, and overshove any river that doesn't pair the board. That way if he flats putting me on a possible overplayed AK that his sets still beat, my jam will make it clear that I can't take that like with AK for value. Also he probably expects AK to 2-barrel 90% of the time, not c/r.
Now when I c/r, he thinks for a bit and 3-bets smallish fairly quickly. At first glance it might seem awful because now he almost certainly has a set. But I'm actually fist pumping at this point. 100BB deep his line is completely fine with sets and such and I'm assuming that's what he's used to, at this depth it's pretty bad to 3-bet here with a range that contains the nuts 0% of the time, into a range that can contain every combo of the nuts. On top of that, I have an A blocker, so it's 3x as likely he has the 3rd nuts at best than the nuts or 2nd nuts. So in my mind if he flatted turn he can potentially win a big pot if he can work out a range to hero call me, but once he 3-bets turn he just can't call unless he was on some crazy level where he knows I'll do something like this and he's inducing, but it's way more likely he auto 3-bet cuz he had a set rather than making the more complex play of 3-betting to induce bluffs in a spot where I'm rarely ever bluffing/probably doesn't know if I'm even capable of it.
So he thinks a bit and flats, and the river comes a great card, and I have just over 1/3 pot to jam. I think I should've maybe just clicked back the turn instead of making it slightly bigger just to give me slightly more FE on the river, but I still think my line looks so absurdly strong and he was just praying the river would give him a miracle card that could let him justify calling (basically an A or K I think are nearly the only cards, but a Q or J could help him work out that my value range. I think for a bit then jam, and he tanks his entire timebank and eventually folds. There's some chance he was pulling an elaborate re-bluff, but I think the most common hand for me to see here is gonna be KK.