It's been just wow the past few times.. I think karma for me making that running good thread.
So monday night first hand of a side game..
Jack 5 of D in BB..4 on the table.. SB raises me 2 I call.
Flop: JackC, 5S, 6D
I bet 5, SB calls.
Turn 8 of Ds
he goes all in for 11 more and I call... he has 9 7.
River King of Hearts.. Fuck.
Tuesday night first hand.
Pocket 10s.
Just me and the guy to my right to the flop. (I made it 10 pre after villain made min raised to 4)
Flop 8 9 10 rainbow.
villain bets 10.. I raise to 25..villain goes all in (50 total) He has ace jack
Turn 7..sigh did not hit river
Pocket 3s on the button.. I made it 5.. the blinds call.
Flop. 3, king, king.
I bet 6 (I didn't slow play my set guys!!) both the blinds call.
Turn 4..checked to me I bet 11...SB raises to some big amount... BB folds and I go all in and am called.
SB has pocket 4s.
Now I guess this hand was just a cooler but man it pissed me off...I thought he had king rag like a 6 or 7..