GTA Poker;297999 wrotegive me a hand %range shove from the big stacks and a hand %range shove from the short stacks and then we can figure it out
JodaB. (UTG): 30,868
UTG+1: 24,135 88, AJs+
UTG+2: 49,221 TT, AJs+
MP1: 12,842 77+, ATs+
MP2: 43,016 TT, AJs+
CO: 13,187 77+, ATs+
BTN: 7,369 55+ AT+ , KJs+,
SB: 66,414 TT, AJs+
BB: 22,948 77 , AJs+,
see you'd have to play around a lil. sometimes people will fold ajs. Some will re jam hands like 99 and ajo.
the bb will flat sometimes and check fold alot with hands like kq.
so we can argue and adjust but prob start there