STR82ACE And another arrest BramptonGuardian Article: Police make another arrest in Kearn Nedd killing
Milo Kudos to the Peel force for sticking with this investigation, and it serves those bastards right that they are now turning on each other. Fuck 'em.
JimmyHo some of the guns found in one of the guy's apartment. Like to know which one of them was actually playing in the tournament and signalled the gunmen to enter the club? Arms stash found in condo | Toronto & GTA | News | Toronto Sun
Milo BramptonGuardian Article: Arrest warrant issued for murder suspect Looks like it will just be a matter of time. Good job, coppers . . .
Milo . . . and NAILED the bastard. BramptonGuardian Article: Another suspect arrested in Nedd killing