crazykoby Going to put a BAP together for Fallsview 5k. Will be selling at even par. 50% up for sale 1% = $50 5% = $250 10% = $500
Wolffhound Congrats again. I'll take 1%, if you can take off transfer from wsopc bap, great, if not, i'll send.
STR82ACE ddmilcan;296823 wrote1% will give to AJ, he will see you probably before me Milton Slim NP (that's "No Problem" in case you don't speak interwebs)
ddmilcan STR82ACE;296826 wroteNP (that's "No Problem" in case you don't speak interwebs) NP Nice ?????? NP Nasty ????? NP Neandrathal ????????? NP ??????? Person Prick Partridge Give me a minute, I'll get it! Middle name isn't Democratic is it?
crazykoby Something has come up and I'm unable to play the 5k event, I am however able to play the 2.5k event instead. This will now change my BAP % to the following... 1% = $25 5% = $125 10% = $250 My intention is to sell a max of 40%. For the moment I will leave everyone's buy in percentages the same. If you want to change your % let me know Pokerjah - 1% - PAID Hobbes - 2% - PAID Stevekerr - 6% - PAID Westside8 - 3% Wolfhound - 1% - PAID Milo - 1% - PAID T8urmoney - 2% - PAID Actyper - 2% - SWAP Asxn557 - 5% - PAID BetrThanPhil - 10% - PAID Floydthedog - 1% - PAID Str82ace - 5% - PAID Dead money - 2% - PAID Ddmilcan - 2% - PAID Fee lynx - 3% - SWAP Suited pair - 1% - PAID Wetts1012 - 5% - SWAP Waitlist westside8 - more?