GTA Poker;295825 wroteAfter playing some 3/6 LHE to kill some time in Edmonton I realized that I really enjoy the game again. I don't think I had played a session in 6 years or so, but it was lots of fun.
I am in San Jose for work but I noticed on my way to a meeting that the Garden City Casino is 3 blocks from my hotel. I was going to go play at Bay 101 but this is 10mins closer so I checked it out. LHE is still pretty big in California. Games spread were 4 8 to 15 30 with a 20 40 kill. I played 4 hours of 15 30 and broke even and then played 3.5 hours of 8/12 with a 12 24 kill after the game broke and made $650 in that short time. Overall, it is such a relaxing and fun game compared to NLH that it's a nice change of pace. Much less anger at the table and no huge decisions. No typical NLH douches sitting with sunglasses and ipods...a much more fun a social game. I don't think that the average player has improved much since 2003 which is also helpful for making some profit.
Strangely, i think i'm a better limit player than no-limit player. I seem to make fewer mistakes and when i do they don't cost me my buy-in in a single hand. It might be the ugly sister, but i'm lucky to play 5 or 6 times a year so i find it more enjoyable, especially since there tends to me more talking at the table. I dont like NLHE cash games, but i do like to play small buy in NLHE tournies either at a house or under 300$ buy ins at local casinos.