Hellmuth's Mole So had a nice vacation with the family in Arizona planned and because of my cheap nature, I found that flying in and out of Vegas would save us mucho dinero on flights and rental cars (also povided a nice chance to get back to Vegas). Brag: Door to DTW in 3 hours 15 minutes to win $20 bet with my sister who nagged me for weeks we need to leave 4 hours to get to the airport on Xmas eve. Brag: Arrive in Vegas 35 minutes ahead of sched (Easterly winds?) get car with no problems and head to Paris where I ask reception if our two rooms ($42.70 each per night) could be adjoined? Her: Ahh no, not at this time of night. Me: Could they be on the same floor? Her: Hmm maybe we can work something out....(5 minutes clicking away on keyboard, 2 minutes muttering something into the phone, 3 more minutes on the keyboard) well this is what we've got. Me: *Not expecting much* Her: I can get you on the same floor in upgraded suites but they're both just with 1 king bed so we'll put a roll away in both of them as well. Me: Uh, ok, where do I sign. (slip her a $20 as we grab our bags and head up) Get to the rooms and they are strip view looking right out at the Eiffel Tower with the Bellagio fountains right behind it. Awe-some. Will post some pics later. Basically 2 $400 per night rooms for $42.70. Anyway, kids are tired and we're heading to Grand Canyon in the morning so they go to bed and I kiss them and my wife saying I'm just going to check out the Aria poker room I've heard so much about. Wife not thrilled but she's ready for bed. Drop $300 max buy-in on the $1-$3 NL table, and fold for two orbits as I assess the competition. The the cards start coming.......and so do the beats. I have never seen such a cardrack run and such shit luck to follow it up. I will save most of the gory details as most would never believe it anyway. If you want stories ask me next time you see me but get ready for some unreal shit. High(low)lights include getting AA on that 19th hand UTG +2. Raise to $10, folded around to button (crazy asian) who flats and blinds fold. Flop 245 rainbow. Lead $12, he calls. Turn K I bet $30 hoping he hit it, he calls. River 7, I bet $55 hoping for the call and he min raises to $110. I resist urge to shove and then convince myself he can`t have set or straight. I just call and he shows 57 suited for rivered 2 pair. Very next hand I catch JJ against 99 who snap shoves his $80 roll on the 8 high flop and I hold. Get QQ a few hands later raise UTG to $12 and get 4 callers and a flop of KKK. Check check and my bet of $30 gets raised and reraised. Winner shows K8 over JJ. Many other crazy hands and I`m back to about $290 around midnight as I look up for a Santa sighting. I look down at AA on the button and think I got my Chrismas wish. EP calling station limps in with 5 others. I raise to $15 and station and crazy asian call while all else fold. Flop of 10, 5, 3. I lead $30 station calls and crazy folds. Turn 9 and I lead again for $60 he calls again. River 10 and I puke a bit in my mouth. I check and he bets $80. I wave good-bye to the $80 and say see you in hell, as he shows Q10 sooooted. Pick up the hundred I have left and bid adieu. Spend the next 9 days touring, sight seeing and playing some golf in perfect 21 degree Phoenix weather and all is forgotten.
Hellmuth's Mole So we return to Vegas Tuesday afternoon. Take the family to Freemont street to see the lights and check out a few of the less seedy strip stops before the riff raff come out. Return to the Venetian (where we were staying) having already told my wife I wanted to play the 7 pm Big Bounty $125+25 and she was fine with that as everyone needed sleep. $8000 in chips, 30 minute blinds, $25 for every knock-out and a beautiful poker room, who could ask for anything more? 2 minutes left in the first level (25-50) and I'm on the big blind with 34 diamonds and haven't played a hand. Folded around and tourist player who is as easy to read as a Dr. Seuss novel, raises from the big blind to $200 and I call for some fun. Flop broadway A25 and check he bets $300 and I know I have him with a strong A. I call and check the turn which is a K. Cross my fingers that he has AK and he bets $1500. I call and the river is a blank so I bet $1500 knowing he's going to raise. Better than expected he snap shoves and I snap call as he starts his happy dance and he shows AK. Stunned silence as I rake all but $250 of his chips. Damn no bounty. Very next hand is my SB, I have A6 diamonds. EP bets $200, LP calls and my new best friend throws his remaining $250 in the middle. I call and BB folds. Flop comes 866 2 clubs. EP shoves stack of about $6500 and I struggle to hide my excitement. LP CALLS with about $7000! I snap call and show trip 6's against Q high flush draw in EP, Q6 in LP and 55 from shorty. A6 holds and I have 3 bounties and a stack of about 30k as the first level ends. There's the rungood. Near the end of the second level I take out another limper on my BB. AK<10 6 with a 6 high flop 10 turn and A river, and she shakes her head asking why I played 10,6? I look down at the button sitting one to my right and ask if I was supposed to know she had AK and fold my BB? After that I had a run of nothing cards and a few ugly beats. KK<K9 shove by short stack. KK<99 on a runner runner straight to the 9. Finally get my fifth bounty as 2 to my right was raising my BB consistently and I rraised him a few times weak, then on my button he raised with 11 BB's when I caught AK. I reraised and he shoved and my AK<AJ gave me my 5th bounty and I was one from a freeroll as the field whittles from 128 starters down to last 30 with 18 being paid. Break down to 3 tables and I sit with about 90k. Nothing really happening for me as a couple of big stacks are pushing the table around when I run into the hand of the night for me with 22 players left. Blinds are $800-$1600 I'm on the button with KJ hearts. UTG limps, next 3 players all call! Another limper and it's to me. I tank for a bit and just call and both blinds call behind (absolutely shocked one of them didn't make a move). 8 players and flop comes AQ7 all hearts. UTG bets 8k folds around to dude on my right with about 100k and he SHOVES!! I nearly fall off my chair and choke out the words "I call" and the guys beside me get out of the way. Dude shows 69 hearts as I table the nuts. I leave him with about 6k in chips (of course miss another bounty) and am sitting pretty. We hit the money and with 14 left I take a nasty hit as I flop a set of J's against A7 with a flop of AJ7. She has about 80k and shoves when 7 hits the turn. I call with J's full and she rivers the Ace from space. I limp along quietly for a while after that. We get to final table with a lot of action happening. Down to 6 and I get 88 UTG with approx. 13 BB's. Raise 3X BB (maybe 3k-6k at the time) and two big stacks in the blinds both call. Flop comes A77 and SB leads, BB folds and I fold face up saying how horribly I played 8's.....he shows A2. Two hands later I shove KQ hearts against button raise from big stack and he calls and turns up K8 diamonds. 8 on the flop and runner runner diamond flush and I'm done in 6th place for $630 score plus 7 bounties for $805 total. Hit the pillow at 3:30 am wake to the alarm at 8 and take the family down for breakfast buffett on me. Takes about half an hour before anyone asks about the poker tournament and wide eyes and smiles fill the table as I re-tell the tales of success. We take in a few more hotel sights and catch the 5:45 flight home. Good times....can't wait to get back.